A neck lift, also known as platysmaplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the neck, giving it a more youthful and firm appearance. This procedure involves the lifting and tightening of the platysmaplasty muscle, the main muscle located in the neck.
This surgical practice is ideal for correcting the following problems:
- Loosening of the Skin and Fat: Reduces sagging skin and fat on the lower face, combating the appearance of so-called “jowls” or double chin.
- Excessive Fat Deposits: Addresses excessive fatty deposits under the chin.
- Loose Skin on the Neck: Tightens loose skin on the neck.
- Muscle Tape on the Neck: Reduces the appearance of muscle bands on the neck, which can create unwanted lines or wrinkles.
The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia, accompanied by intravenous anesthetics or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s needs and preferences. The plastic surgeon makes incisions in areas that are not visible, usually behind the ears or under the chin, to achieve the desired tightening and lifting.