Τummy tuck can be performed using a variety of techniques, chosen according to the patient's needs and the nature of the problem in the abdominal area. The three main types of tummy tuck include mini tummy tuck, classic tummy tuck and modified tummy tuck techniques.
Mini tummy tuck is suitable for people who have less sagging in the abdominal area and requires smaller incisions than classic tummy tuck. In this case, we do not move the belly button, and the removal involves only a portion of fat and skin from the lower abdomen, which can be as small as 10-15 cm. The incision left is small and is usually comparable to the incision of a caesarean section. The belly button remains in place, with a slight downward movement, which is not visible. Liposuction and tightening of the muscle wall may be incorporated into the procedure, and its duration ranges from 1 to 2 hours.
Classical tummy tuck is reserved for cases with significant loosening of the skin and muscle wall of the abdomen. Here, a longer incision is made in the bikini line area, above the pubic hair, with a length that depends on the amount of excess skin. The fat and skin between the navel and the pubic bone is removed, and the belly button is released using a special technique so that the incision around the belly button is not visible. If there is excess fat in the pubic area, liposuction may be used. The transverse abdominal muscles are folded over and the rectus muscles converge at the midline, creating a flatter muscle wall. The belly button remains in place and, if there are problems such as an umbilical hernia, they are corrected without the need for additional incisions.
Each type of tummy tuck is tailored to the patient's specific needs and offers solutions for different types of abdominal laxity and problems, combining aesthetic and functional improvements.